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  • 5 New Years Resolutions to Make Now to Sell Your Home in 2017

5 New Years Resolutions to Make Now to Sell Your Home in 2017

People make all kinds of resolutions for the new year… why not make a few to help you sells your home? Here’s a list of good habits all home sellers can start now so you are fully prepared when opportunity knocks.

  1. Get realistic about how much your home is worth: It’s totally normal to be emotionally attached to your home.. so of course you think it is priceless. Or at least hope it is worth more than you bought it for. Because of this, many sellers make the epic mistake of not remaining on the business end of your home sale. In addition to setting the price too high, sellers are usually pretty stubborn on adjusting the price, or they get offended when a buyer makes an offer lower than your asking price. Don’t see those offers as insult, instead see them as a sign that the way your see your home isn’t always the way others do. If you haven’t already, ask your Realtor to show you the comps on your home and others around you.
  2. Keep the clutter to a minimum: No one wants to buy your clutter or try to imagine your home without it. A great new years resolution is to de-clutter your home.. donate, organize toss or recycle anything you haven’t touched the last year.
  3. Keep your home fresh: its just common sense, if your home smells “funky” no one is going to want to see it again.
  4. Keep your home ready to show for 24 hours a day: I know its difficult to keep your home in tip top all the time, but if your home is ready to show all the time, there’s more of a chance your buyer will see it!!!!! Here’s some tips on keeping it show ready
    1. Keep a Swiffer handy to quickly wipe up dust and stains from wood floors.
    2. Clean your windows—they not only sparkle but also let in more light.
    3. Even if you don’t want to spring for yet another new coat of paint, at least wash off wall marks and smudges. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser does a great job of removing wall blemishes.
    4. Also, in case some buyer wants to swing by,  like, right now since they’re in the neighborhood, develop a five-minute cleanup plan. Keep a basket nearby where you can swipe the contents of your kitchen counter or anything else you want to vanish quickly.
  5. Keep your personal style out of the equation: You know those things that make your house a home? Family pictures, those cute drawings on the fridge from your kids or souvineers from your trip to Disneyland can really turn a buyer off. Try to keep your home ready for a buyer to see themselves in it.

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