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Adding value to your home before you sell…

Depending on the house, sometimes all your home needs is a facelift to increase its value. Just a few DIY home improvement projects could help.. make sure you prepare for DIY projects with some research and even advise from a specialist your local home improvement store.


For the Kitchen: I had no idea that self-adhesive tiles were even a thing! But I read about them on a Zillow Blog, and I am convinced that I could totally accomplish this DIY project. They seem really easy to install and mess-free! First your backslash wall, soap and water will work just fine. The tiles don’t stick too well if the wall is still dirty with cooking grease. Make sure you follow the directions that come with the tiles, they’re all a little different, but usually you start with the bottom row first. Take off any outlet plates and leave some space for them when you’re DIYing. If you mess up or just need to preposition a tile, they come off with a hair dryer!

In the Bedroom: Crown molding is simple, yet it adds so much style to a room! Just a few strips of wood and your bedroom will look brand new! DIY Crown Molding scared me too, but reading about it, I think I could do it with a little help. Home Depot or Lowes will have Crown Molding(basically just fancy strips of wood) You cut the molding to size and then place it with a nail gun. Your home improvement store specialists can help you grab the best tools for the job, as well as cut the molding to size. Remember to measure correctly!

Let’s talk Laundry: You know those basic wire shelves most laundry rooms have? BORING.. and kinda cluttered. How about some cabinets? Or some nice wood shelves instead. Home improvement stores have cabinets that you can take home and put together yourself (I did it, it’s intimidating at first, but turned out awesome!) Maybe add some hangers for some more storage.

In the Garage: We all have some stains on the floor of our garage, unless we’re lucky and someone smart painted the floor with protective paint! Give it a try, go talk to a specialist at the Home Improvement store and ask about the benefits. You can also find grease removers there and even an automobile parts store. I’ve used oil remover before and let me tell you, the stuff is magic! It cleaned oil that leaked from my boyfriends 66 Chevy Truck… the stuff was great.

How about the Outside: You don’t need to go out and buy a whole garden to attract buyers but adding some greenery and patching the bald spots in your lawn with help! Trim up the trees and bushes to give your yard a little more curb appeal.

Here’s some random DIY fixes:

-Clean your gutters

-Power wash your  sidewalks

-Replace the light fixtures

-Buy new knobs and drawer handles

-Grab some new curtains


You can also find a bunch of DIY Home Improvement Ideas on YouTube!

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