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We’re half way to FRIDAY!

I love Wednesdays. They are so close to the weekend you can taste it but not so close that you have to rush to get work done before the weekend comes! Wednesday is the perfect day!

When I was little my mom would wake me and my sister up every morning and tell us what day it was that day. She’d say “Today is Monday, February 17th and it’s Random Act of Kindness Day!”(which is an actual holiday, by the way.) My sister and I would try and honor whatever silly holiday that day was.. some days were harder than others.

Today, Wednesday June 22,2016 is National Eclair Day! So go to your favorite Bakery and grab a tasty treat! Celebrating these silly holidays always made me happy when I was a kid, and its hard not to feel happy with an Eclair in your hand 😉

Here’s the website of my favorite bakery of all time:

Tomorrow is National Pink Day! When you’re getting dressed in the morning, grab something pink to wear.




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